“INTIMATE.” is the new comedy series of the “Die Discounter” makers. With humor and without shame they tell in 8 episodes from their lives.
- With “INTIMATE.” the “Die Discounter” creators bring their former Youtube series to Joyn PLUS+.
- The comedy show tells the story of the chaotic and sometimes embarrassing lives of five friends.
- All the main roles are played by the series creators themselves.
What began in 2017 as a small series project on YouTube is now turning into a really big deal for the five friends Bruno, Emil, Oskar, Max and Leo. With “INTIMATE.” the “Die Discounter” creators are bringing their first specially produced series to the Joyn PLUS+ streaming service.
INTIMATE. Season 1: Launch
The comedy series “INTIMATE.” will launch on Joyn Plus+ on March 24, 2023.
INTIMATE. Season 1: Plot
“INTIMATE.” shows the unvarnished truth of life in early twenties. In the comedy series, Bruno, Emil, Oskar, Max and Leo never miss an embarrassment. They stumble from one disaster to the next. In the process, the friends get caught up in the craziest lie constructs, either wantonly or out of a sense of planning. Sometimes the five friends get away scot-free, sometimes they fall deeply. Whether flings, acting chaos, start-up difficulties or fraud. All taboos are broken, conventions are thrown overboard and moments of shame are simply laughed away.
INTIMATE. Season 1: Cast
In “INTIMATE.” the five series creators Bruno Alexander, Emil and Oskar Belton, Max Mattis and Leo Fuchs play themselves. Similar to the successful series “Jerks” and “Pastewka,” the series humorously tells various fictional stories from the boys’ lives.
INTIMATE. Season 1: Production
“INTIMATE.” is produced by Bruno Alexander, Emil and Oskar Belton, Max Mattis and Leo Fuchs. The series is their first own production as “Little Brothers” after their hit series “The Discounters,” which they produce with Pyjama Pictures. The five from Hamburg are showrunners and wrote the scripts together. Oskar Belton, Emil Belton, Bruno Alexander and Leo Fuchs are directing as well as editing. Max Mattis is responsible for the production as executive producer.
INTIMATE. Season 1: Trailer
So far there is no official trailer for the first season “INTIMATE.”. As soon as something changes, you will find out here.