The thriller story “For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams,” created by Kei Sanbe, has been running since 2017. It has now been announced that Sanbe’s series will conclude in the next issue of Kadokawa Shoten’s “Young Ace” magazine, which will be published on July 4.
For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams manga
Kei Sanbe published the first chapter of “For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams” (jap.: “Yume de Mita Ano Ko no Tame ni”) in July 2017. So far, ten volumes have been released in paperback in Japanese stores. The eleventh and final volume of the series is scheduled for publication this fall.
Kei Sanbe is known for his popular series “The City Where I Don’t Exist” (jap.: “Boku dake ga Inai Machi”, “Erased”). An anime adaptation of the same name came out in 2016.
For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams: Cover of volume 01
For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams: Storyline
Senri Nakajou’s twin brother is the most important person in the child’s life. He protects him from his father, who bullies the family, and shares all his worries with him. But then Senri witnesses his family murdered in front of him, and he vows to dedicate his life to revenge. Even into his high school years, he tries to track down the killer and suddenly comes across a hot lead.